Get Started

Getting started is the hardest part. This is our specialty.
We’re a startup foundry for sidehustles.

You provide the technical product.
We provide the commercial partnership.
You are the CEO.

You can even keep your day job.

Most technical startups fail. You don’t have to.
Benefit from our first-hand experiences in going from concept through exit.



Map goals to strategies to tactics that achieve those goals.

We will figure out how to run the business based on your priorities: keep your day job, bootstrap or self-fund, etc.

Guerilla Marketing

Reach our desired audience with innovative strategies that keep your costs low and your reputation respected.


Bottom-up and top-down strategies can co-exist with hunting, farming, and trapping methodologies. Then, demonstrate sufficient value to earn an expansion.


Work on what you want, when you want, and from where you want. While this applies to our partnership with you, it also applies to the fractional resources we provide when needed. Like you, they may have respectable day jobs.


$Zero to $10,000 ARR

Getting the first customer is difficult.

  • Reconsider your initial product positioning. What you think works may benefit from additional discovery.
  • Validate this by talking with target clients.
  • Start your social media efforts to build your community before you need them.
  • Create and connect your sales and support infrastructure.

Get to $100,000 Arr

You have found your initial unique selling point.

  • Growth hacking and guerilla marketing will be far more effective than small ad buys.
  • Create a holistic customer journey from engagement to sales to Customer Success and even to churn.
  • Staff key roles via fractional workers.
  • Reach your technical users via our DevRel as a Service strategies.

reorganize before $500,000 ARR

Congratulations, you clearly have a viable business.

  • Strategies and processes need to be reconsidered to make it to the next phase.
  • Revisit everything: marketing, sales, social media, customer success, and even your product strategy.
  • Depending upon your amount of automation, specialists and possibly organizational hierarchy may be necessary.
  • Metrics for tracking users across your customer journey are important and must be re-tuned.

Achieve $1,000,000 arr and beyond

You have achieved what few startups do.

  • Increase the specialization and focus of each role and resource.
  • Formalize processes and fit resources into each part of the process.

“Josh created consistency in our product demonstrations and pilots and selflessly turned that knowledge over to others. He implemented the vision  … [and] wrote a repeatable process that had talking points and even sample emails for each step. Now our entire organization work together better to sell products.”

– Software Developer @ Notable International Consultancy 

contact us

Let’s discuss your specific situation.

josh at

Josh Rosenthal, photographed by Tony Powell. 2014 Medstar NRH Gala. Marriott Marquis. October 30, 2014

Josh Rosenthal


Co-founder of CloudSploit, an open source Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) tool that I bootstrapped from concept to exit only using the revenue it generated.

Going from $40 MRR to the first $million ARR is my favorite part of the journey. I want to offer you the strategies, collaborators, and growth hacks I have accumulated over the years.

“I knew Josh was a rock star just a few minutes after meeting him. His unique blend of technical acumen, interpersonal skills, and passion make him not only highly effective in a professional services role; but also a genuine pleasure to be around. Josh went out of his way to make the new guy on the team (me) feel welcome. More than that, he took a genuine interest in my work and went out of his way to make sure I had everything I needed to be successful. Josh’s intent may have been simply to ensure the organization got the most value out of my engagement with them, but he also fostered a relationship that will outlast either of our tenures.”

– CISO @ Major US Retailer



Washington, DC



+1 202-713-5674


We are open Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 18:00, or by appointment.
